Turnit and BMS Technologija Begin Developing a Joint Ticket Management Solution

Starting from October, Turnit and a Latvian technology company BMS Technologija begin a year and a half long joint project to develop and market a ticket management solution. The solution is aimed at public passenger transport operators.

The objective of the project is to develop an integrated ticket management solution that will be offered as an all-inclusive package of software and hardware to small city municipalities and county line operators. These operators will especially benefit from the integrated solution as they would be able to cater to both segments through the same back-end system.

„We are excited to start working with our Latvian colleagues and eager to see what we are capable of accomplishing together,“ told Turnit CEO Andres Osula. An important part of the project is to ensure that the new joint solution would be compliant with the latest fiscalization laws that need special attention in Latvia and a number of other potential target markets.

Also, the aim is to carry out various communication and marketing activities so that the solution will gain traction in Estonia and Latvia, enabling to extend the offer to new markets, starting from Lithuania and Scandinavia.

“We are very pleased with the unique opportunity to implement the joint project with our Estonian colleagues. This kind of cooperation strengthens Baltic countries export position in the European market“, told BMS Tehnologija member of Executive Board Andrejs Blažko.

The project is planned to start on 3 October and is funded via Interreg Estonia-Latvia program which is a part of European Regional Development Fund. The total funding budget for the project is 462 613.64 EUR.

Main project activities:

  • the development of a cloud-based back-end system for sales, distribution and reporting
  • the development of a B2C and B2B front-end system in the form of a webshop and a mobile app
  • the creation of an Android-based on-board sales and check-in terminal, contactless validator and inspection device
  • the integration of all the technical components into a unified system via cloud services
  • the development of an identity package for the new product for awareness-raising and marketing purposes
  • the participation of the project team at various industry-specific trade fairs and conferences to demonstrate the new product and secure initial clients


Turnit webpage

BMS Technologija webpage

Interreg Estonia-Latvia webpage

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This article reflects the views of the author. The managing authority of the programme is not liable for how this information may be used.